"Honoring Their Sacrifice. Protecting Their Legacy"
Fallen Heroes Family Lifeline

Fallen Heroes Family Lifeline is an extremely vital resource for military families suffering the ultimate loss. The military has too many limitations, outdated information and too many things they cannot help families with. Our organization was created out of first-hand experience and personal necessity. But - in seeking our own help, we quickly discovered countless other families who were struggling and suffering from the same lack of assistance. We started by building an ever-growing database of hundreds of local and national resources most people don't know exist. We are growing into much more. We must do more!
Our origin story is similar to all of those we wish to help and protect. One of loss
and with literally EVERYTHING going wrong, after. In our own struggles, we ended
up finding answers to help dozens of other families. We discovered a calling to do
more. Fallen Heroes Family Lifeline is dedicated to protecting ALL of our
extended military family to the best of our abilities.
Upcoming Events
Mar 29, 2024 - Apr 2, 2024 "The First 1000 Miles" - Cross Country Fundraising Event

Introducing Fallen Heroes Family Lifeline 4th Annual fundraising event. A cross country journey in memory of Private Kimberly Copeland and to honor all fallen heroes of our Great Nation. We visit the military bases she served at, stop to meet with Goldstar support groups, radio stations and more. Then we finish our journey in Arlington National Cemetery, to pay respect, on a larger scale.
(St Louis, MO - Arlington, VA - St Louis)
Jun 30, 2024 | 08:00 AM "Heroes Legacy 5k Walk & Run" - Community Fundraising Event
Register starting April 15th for the fundraising 5k walk and run. Bring your friends, family, children, coworkers and share on your social media. There will be Entertainment, Games, Give-Away's, Food and more! All proceeds will go to helping surviving military families in need. More information will be posted when registration begins.
(St Louis / Location TBD)

2024 - 2026 | ? "Heroes Legacy Campground" - Long Term Project To Create
(2-Year Project)
This project is a big one! Fallen Heroes Family Lifeline is making preparations to create and build an EXCLUSIVE campground retreat for Goldstar Families, Veterans and their Families. A place where they can truly get away and heal in nature, either with support groups or individually. The goal is to give individuals and families a place they can enjoy the land and nature - hiking, biking, trail rides, fishing, camping, trail rides, zip lines and more - without crowds of people who can't understand what they have been through. This vitally needed retreat needs more corporate and private partners.